Thursday, September 12, 2024

A painting of Charley - A Standard Poodle

 It was so exciting to get this commission.   Painting a breed of dog that has curly hair is always exciting.  All those curves - the curls - the waves the fur makes.   It is like playing to correctly capture the depth and to almost feel the soft texture of the dog's coat.   It is time consuming.   It can not be rushed.

I always add blues and purples when a black or white animal is being painted.   The human eye may not see the colors in photos, but in real life, the colors are here.

Multiple photos of Charley were sent to me.  To assist Charley's owner in deciding upon the primary reference photo that I would use as my roadmap to create Charley's painting, our favorite photos were placed on a collage.  That way, we could look at all the photos at once.  Once Charley's owner identified her favorite, I went to work.

Charley's owner shared the following about Charley:

He is lovingly called Charley Bob.  When he sits up straight and tall or is minding his manners, we call him Charles Robert.   He loves his walks along the Kerrville River Trail along he Guadalupe River.  He is very popular with he regular walkers and cyclists on the trail, and they say Hi to him before they even acknowledge us!  He practices Yoga, and is proficient i three poses: meditation, upward dog and downward dog.  He is young and rambunctious but is trying really hard to connect with his kinder, gentler side.  He's smart and fun; he's a keeper!

Reference photo of Charley to create his painting.   

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jackson - a portrait of an Irish Setter

This is a painting of Jackson - (GCHG Ramblin' Red Slamdunk Buckpasser MH RN DN CGCA TKA)

I have watched him grow on line and at shows since he was a pup.   It was exciting to receive a call from his owner, Gerry, asking me to paint his portrait.   When I hear people talk about Jackson, I always hear "He is such a fun dog."   Beauty and brains with personality.  Who can ask for more.

Here are some words his main person shared with me:

Jackson loves everyone!  He is a versatile dog that excels in having a job to do whether hunting, rally or conformation.   He has the sweetest personality.  He has his Master Hunter title thus the nod to the pheasant in the background of his painting.   He has also had many achievements in the show ring with his breeder/co-owner Peter Kubacz most notably Best of Breed at the 2024 ISCA National Specialty, Best in Show and Multiple Best in Specialty shows.   As he enters his senior years, I am seriously considering therapy dog training so he can make visits to our local nursing home and share his love.

It has been an honor to paint him.  Thank you Gerry!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Thunder and Wizard - Two Irish Setter dogs: Artist, Dawn Secord

This is a painting of Thunder and Wizzard.  The original photo was taken in a "landscape" orientation. 

When planning this painting, I thought painting the dogs in a "portrait" orientation would allow the dogs to become the focus of the painting.   In the original photo, my eye saw a beautiful landscape scene with two dogs in it.   Changing the painting's orientation made the focal point the dogs with the background being a landscape.   I discussed this with the dogs' owner and she fully agreed and gave me the go ahead to change the orientation for the painting.

It is never my goal to copy a photo - that doesn't take as much thought or creativity.   My goal is to use a photo as road map to my paintings to make sure that the essence of the dog(s) that I've been commissioned to paint is kept true.   As an artist, I need to see what is worthy to be kept from the photo and what needs to be removed or strengthened.  Are shadows to strong or too weak?  Do the eyes look tired or concerned rather than relaxed and happy?   Does the background steal the show by being the focal point?   

Photos are fabulous and I am in awe of how photographers do what they do.   However, as an artist, I have an opportunity to change things and it is always my quest to paint something special - something unique - that those commissioning my work will cherish.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A painting of Holly - Irish Setter

This is a painting of a dog named Holly (Woodglen Holly My Valentine CD, RE, RATS, CGCA).   I was so excited when the commission came in.  Holly's owner wanted a painting showing Holly at her different stages of life.  In the painting, images of her include a puppy photo, competing in a dog event and as a senior dog.  For the background, I was sent images of oak trees in her yard.

Before, during and after painting Holly, I was overwhelmed by how much this dog is loved.   Dogs are such a major part of our lives - our family.

Thank you to Holly's family for having me paint her.  It was an honor.

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Painting of Samantha

 I was at a dog show recently talking to a friend about my art.   It is fun to look back at where my journey with dog art began.   Back in the 90's, my work was hanging in a wild life gallery in Laguna, California.  My husband and I had lost our first Irish Setter and had found a new pup from a breeder.  We'd set out to get a pet quality female and ended up with a show quality male.   That was before the internet and it was difficult for people not in the show world to find pups.

We decided to try showing and my world to new friends opened up.   I painted a friend's dog as a gift for her helping me with my pup and his training.   Thus began my entrance into painting dogs.

Here it is, almost 30 years later and one of my greatest joys is painting people's animals for them.   When I was commissioned to paint Samantha, my heart was heavy.   I knew that Samantha had passed and she was very special to her human family.  When emotions are involved, my work is more of a mission than a journey.   My goal was for the painting to give the family a piece of their Samantha to hang in their home and warm their hearts.

I asked Samantha's owner, Katie, to share a few words about Samantha.   Here is what she shared:

    Samantha was the love of my life.   My best friend.  It was a privilege and great honor to have her at my side for 12 years.  Sam was up for the challenge with any venue and gave it her all.  Such a gentle, and loving soul.  Until we meet at the bridge.   Dawn thank you for creating such a beautiful portrait of my Samantha.

Katie's kind words make every moment I spent painting Samantha timeless.  Thank you for the honor Katie.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

An Irish Setter and her handler

 Every time a painting is completed, I say, "I loved painting this."   And... yes, I LOVED painting this.

The painting features a dog that I knew many years ago with her handler and her handler's daughter.

Funny thing - reminiscing, this very same handler helped me in a pinch in 2000 with a young Irish I was showing named Jewel.   She was a junior handler at the time.  She was such a sweet young lady and so professional considering her tender age.   Jumping ahead many years later, I remember sitting across a restaurant table with her discussing the name of her unborn child.

The dog in the painting was named Lucy.   Lucy was the same age as my girl, Monet.  We showed against each other more times than I can count and always enjoyed our time together.

When the commission came in to create this painting I was beyond excited.  The primary reference photo showed Lucy giving kisses and reaching up with her paw to the then toddler.   A different photo of Lucy was used in the painting - a better head shot of her.   I decided to make Lucy closer to the people in the painting than she was in the reference photo.   I also have the toddler reaching up and petting Lucy instead of her little hands in her lap.

It is so important to me not to copy a photo.  I absolutely need reference photos to guide me to capturing the subjects correctly.   All the while, I can not be held captive to copying a photo.  I look for ways to make each painting stronger than the reference photos.   It can be a balancing act deciding how much to deviate from the reference material.  Of course, there are times when the reference material is perfect - exactly what needs to be painted.

This painting was creating using soft pastels and measures 11 x 14.  It was an honor to paint all the subjects.  The painting was a commission - a gift from one friend to another.   I truly hope those involved in this project enjoy the final product as much as I enjoyed painting it.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Reach for the Stars - a new greeting card

 I am excited to share a new Irish Setter greeting card is now available. The image, Reach for the Stars, is also a print. I make a rule not to release prints and cards of the same image at the same time. Sometimes rules are made to be broken. The greeting cards are a larger size and measure 5" x 7" are blank inside - $16 for a package of 8 cards and 8 excited about these cards. Thank you for modeling Bling Matisse.

The cards are available on my website at DawnSecord. com

Monday, November 20, 2023

Rusty and Ruby - Mini painting

This mini painting is of two Irish setters when they were pups.   The painting was done last Christmas and for a special touch, a Christmas tree is in the background (gently implied).  It always touches my heart to paint dogs when they were puppies.  Our puppies come into our lives and we have no idea what our futures with them will hold.  When we look back, years gone by, we see those precious little faces and can celebrate our lives together.   I always say, when they are pups, we can not wait for them to grow up.  Then, in a vapor of time, those pups are veterans and we would give anything for them to be pups again.

From Donna - a little bit about the pups in the painting.

 Rusty and Ruby were our foster failures from the humane society.  They were our introduction into Irish Setters and the loves of our lives.  Rusty was a very sickly puppy but went on to become one of the most titled Irish Setters in history.  He excelled at agility and loved his reading to rover role.  In his later years, he became well known for his wagon walks where he stole the hearts of everyone that knew him.  Rusty left us in September of 2021 at the ripe old age of over 14 1/2.

 Ruby was our dog that had it all.  Brains, beauty and athlete all in one package.  Ruby went on to become the highest achieving MACH Irish Setter by earning 12 MACHs before her life was cut short by Osteosarcoma at the age of 9.   She was the most confident dog we have ever loved.

 This dynamic duo showed the world what Irish Setters are capable of and we are forever grateful to have had them in our lives.  They continue to live on in our hearts and will never be forgotten.

 Thank you Dawn for painting this gorgeous portrait of them in their puppyhood.  We had no idea at the time what a memorable ride they would take us on❤️.

Thank you to Donna and Jeff - it is always an honor to paint for you.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Book Event - Wine and Music Festival in Prosper, Texas

 October 7, 2023

Windsong Ranch - WINE AND MUSIC FESTIVAL, Prosper, TX
NOON – 6:00 pm

Windsong Ranch - WINE AND MUSIC FESTIVAL, Prosper, TX

Windsong Ranch in Posper, Texas, is having a wine and music festival on October 7th,  2023 and has invited the Visiual Arts of Prosper to participate.   The artists will be in attendance with booths and Bling has been invited as well.
Come and meet some of our artists.   Dawn and Bling will be signing books in their booth.   Look for us in the greenbelt entry area to Windsong Ranch.

We will have her books and some fine art on hand and for sale.

Friday, September 8, 2023

A painting of Kate

This is Kate, an Irish Setter.  I have painted her before in commissioned work by her owner, but also as a model in one of my paintings.

This last painting is a mini and the reference photo was taken of her while she was a senior dog nearing the end of her life.  She was loved by all who knew her.  I will cherish all the times I spent with her and have been honored to paint her.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Xander - My journey to paint this Pointer

When I lived in Southern California, some of my fondest memories were of time spent with Margaret at the dog shows.  Usually (not always) she showed male Irish setters.  Usually (not always) I showed female Irish setters.   There were times we showed each others dogs - the stories I could tell there (but I won't).

Margaret stepped outside of our box when she acquired an English Pointer named Xander.   As an artist, Pointers stop me in my tracks.  Their sleek lines and graceful movement are breathtaking.   I absolutely love pointers.   Xander was the kindest dog.  I don't ever remember him having a mean bone in his body (other than the time he chomped on a ground squirrel at a hunt test - but he was a sporting dog). Margaret knew I was waiting for the day she would say, "It is time to paint Xander."   That day came and I couldn't have been more excited.   

We sat down and talked about the painting and looked at his reference photos.   A little back story here - Xander and our boy, Drew (Bling's sire) were hunt test buddies (both boys are gone now).  The two boys were well acquainted from hanging out at the dog shows together.   To our delight at a local hunt test, Xander and Drew were in a brace together.    Margaret was handling Xander, Rich was handling Drew, and I was manning the camera with a telephoto lens.   When the handlers were instructed to release their dogs, Xander and Drew looked at each other and took off running.   I could see it in the lens.  If they could have spoken, they would have told each other "GAME ON".   Those two boys spent more time out running each other on the way to the bird field than getting to the bird field.   At one point, Drew had he lead.   He was so excited.  Xander stopped to relieve himself - he knew there was no contest when it came to speed.   Drew was lengths ahead of Xander - at least for a little bit.   Xander put it into full gear and literally left Drew in his dust.  Margaret, Rich and I laugh about it to this day.   When discussing Xander's painting compositionally, Margaret thought it would be fun to put Xander and Drew as cameos hunting in the painting and use the actual photos from the hunt test as the background.   What a fun idea.   When you look at the painting you'll see the two boys thinking about getting to business.   At the end of that day - they both did get legs towards their Junior Hunter titles - which both dogs did obtain by the end of the weekend.   

Thank you Margaret for having me paint your boy.   He is always in my heart.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Meet the Author, Dawn Secord at the Melissa, Texas Public Library Saturday, July 29, 2023

 Melissa Public Library

Summer Reading Wrap-up Celebration on Saturday, July 29th, 2023 from 11:00a – 1:00p

Melissa City Hall
3411 Barker Avenue
Melissa, TX 75454

Dawn will be signing books in the library.  Come by for a visit!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bailie - Portrait of an Irish Setter

 It was very exciting when the commission was received to paint Bailie.   She reminds me so much of my girls - squirrel hunters and full of rollicking personality.  It is always fun to watch the posts made about her on Facebook.   She has the most beautiful tender eyes.   

 I asked Bailie's family to tell us a little bit about her.   Here is a poem that was shared:


Our pretty Bailie

Full of love and joy

She’ll scream like a banshee

When there is kibble to enjoy


When we’re feeling down

Or when she wants a hug

She’ll nibble our chins to town

And with her toys she gives tugs


She moves well in the ring

And in the yard runs so fast

When squirrels the trees do bring

She gives chase, their lives don’t last


She hates the roar of thunder

When storms come our way

Her little body shudders

In the tub she’ll safely lay


She is our precious Bailie

Who sleeps on her back

She makes us very happy

                                                                    Our love will never lack.

Thank you to Bailie's family for having me paint your beautiful girl!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Illustrating a new book featuring Easy Company and the dog, Draftee

I was not going to announce this yet, but hearing AMC (cable channel) is running a marathon on the American war drama series, Band of Brothers, on Memorial Day, prompted me to do so.

The series created by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks is based on the real life "Easy Company". Easy Company had a medic named "Doc Roe" and his grandson is publishing books based on Easy Company during their training and following them through their participation in World War II. I've been hired to illustrate a children's picture book by Doc Roe's grandson, Chris Langlois. It is an exciting project. The children's picture book has Easy Company rescuing a young dog during a historic training mission in Georgia in 1942. The dog would be named "Draftee".
Thank you to Mr. Langlois for the honor of illustrating your book. It has been an amazing journey thus far. I can't wait to see the project finished. The following photos are promo items created for the book.
For more information on Chris Langlois and his grandfather, Doc Roe, follow him on Facebook at: