Saturday, November 26, 2011

Drew's 1st JH Leg

Drew earned his first leg towards his Junior Hunter title today. My husband, Rich, has been working with Drew.

It was the first time out for both the boys. Drew had a wonderful score and some very complimentary words from the judge on his hunting ability. Good job Rich!!

There are a few more pictures from today on our website at click on Drew's page.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bull Mastiff Pastel Painting

I just finished this mini painting of a Bull Mastiff. The owners did not have any great photos of the dog - so I pulled my cell phone out and took a photo with my cell phone. The delay on the phone camera is so long that the photo came out a tad blurry due to the dog moving. The painting image (not including the frame) measures 5" x 7".

To see more of my dog paintings go to my website at